Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sweetheart

Danny has never really been into televised sporting events. I mean, over the last six years that we've been married, we turn the Superbowl on, but we rarely sit down and watch the entire thing.

The twins really rocked our world, and their arrival actually altered our TV watching patterns. They were born in late June 2008, and when they arrived home from the hospital in late July, Danny and I spent a lot of time in front of the TV watching the Olympics while feeding one baby or another.

Also, I think the fact that we have a little boy re-ignited Danny's interest in football. We have watched a whole lot of games this season, especially when the Chargers were contenders. J.D. wanders around, throwing balls all over the room while the game is on, and Danny likes that now there's twice the maleness in the house to enjoy sports.

So today, during the Superbowl, I was hoping for some great shots of Danny with his little boy. However, our little boy decided to take an extensive nap, while his sister stayed up to catch some of the game. She mostly sat on Grandpa's lap, sucked her thumb, and relaxed.

Pretty sweet shot. Both parties are pretty well set right now.

Very comfy.

Did you see that play?

Then, I had to take G to her nap, and she fought it a bit. Grandpa provided some comic relief.

She's not falling for it.

Hey, look over there, it's Daddy! He's going to take you to bed! Yeah!

Maybe not. They decided a little more snuggle time was in order. And that's just fine with me.

1 comment:

Ayron S. Moiola said...

So cute! Dad will love to see those pictures. Every time we see Gracie now JOhn leaves and says, "That Grace is so cute!". Funny!