Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Disneyland Vacation....Walker Style! Part I

My sister, mom and I decided a few months ago that it was time for a family vacation.  

So for Christmas this year, we weren't so interested in big wrapped gifts.  Oh no, it was all about the Disney gift card.  Ah the Disney gift card.  I raked those puppies in left and right, and I hoarded them away in my secret stash drawer (it's only a secret because that's also where I store my gum.  Two year olds and gum?  Not a good idea) until the time of our departure to Anaheim.  

We planned the trip, booked the hotel, and on that first day of vacation, rolled out of town at 7:30 AM.  

We made it to Anaheim so fast!  I haven't been out of town in so long that I had exaggerated the miles of a pretty insignificant distance to constitute traversing days and weeks to a distant land.  We arrived at the park an hour before lunch.  It. Was. Awesome.

Now just a tiny bit of background information might be necessary.  Danny and I took the girls to Disneyland two and a half years ago, in April of 2008.  The twins were born two months after that trip. So my last memory of Disneyland wasn't just perfect.  I limped around that theme park with a gigantic belly in front of me, always with the doctor's orders in the back of my mind to "Rest!  Sit down every 10 minutes!  EAT tons of ice cream!"  That last one may not have been the doctor's voice.  Anyway,  the miles I walked on that trip may have led to my subsequent need for bed rest, then oops!  Pre-term later.  Wow....I really digressed there, sorry......back to the happiest place on earth!

Yay! We made it!  The girls are sooooo excited here.  The babies don't get it all.  They are just wondering why I am stopping to take their picture when it is so bright outside!

Isn't Main Street Disneyland beautiful?  This was a great moment.  

And then who should we run into?!  Grandma D & Grandpa D?????  How on earth? What are the odds... Just kidding, you know I phoned them the minute I walked into the park!  Four kids under six need the proper ratio of one on one in a giant, overpopulated theme park!  My parents took the twins and Danny and I set off with the girls to go on the "big rides," you know, the teacups and stuff.  

My two big girls did this totally spontaneously.  It was seriously magical.

Danny and Emma checked out Aurora's castle.

While walking through Fantasyland, I looked over to see my only son looking quite serious astride his noble carousel steed.   He was apparently preparing mentally to complete some handy man work, if the need should arise.  

It's a classic!  The girls promised they wouldn't turn the wheel in the center, but once we got in there, they wanted to spin, baby!  I'm getting dizzy right now just typing about it.

Then Danny and the girls got arrested and thrown in Mickey's jail.  It wasn't pretty, but once I'd bailed them out.....

the girls met Minnie Mouse in her house in Toon Town!  

Mickey showed up too!  

This was the highlight of that first day.  We went on a little roller coaster in Toon Town.  I would call it the a perfect first introduction to roller coasters for a little kid.  Short, fast, and not dark or scary at all.  We went on this twice.   Cubby is our family speed demon.  That girl only wants to go on the thrilling rides!  She even loved Thunder Mountain Railroad!

We caught up with the twins in Minnie's House.  The fridge and oven were a real hit with the little ones. This first day at Disneyland was such a fantastic time!  We crashed out in our hotel room late, and the kids could NOT go to sleep, they were so wired and excited!  The next day was even better! I can't wait to share it with you...

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