Friday, February 11, 2011

A Disneyland Vacation...Walker Style - Part IV

The latter half of our second day at Disneyland became a challenge between the girls to meet the most Disney characters and obtain their autographs.  It was a tough challenge....but they prevailed! 

We grabbed Minnie right at the entrance.  She was happy and sweet! 

Pluto made the girls' day, with lots of fooling around while signing their books....with a big paw print!!  

We waited for Rapunzel the longest, 20 minutes or so, probably since she is the newest character at Disneyland.  Her hair was draped all over the room, the girls were amazed!

The girls picked out one special keepsake apiece.  Emma picked out this hand-painted parasol in New Orleans.  

Cubby searched and searched...until she decided on a miniature Sleeping Beauty doll with tons of tiny accessories.  She loved it.  By the way, is it wierd that I love this picture?  I guess it reminds me of shopping with my own sister and how much fun we have together.  

Ok, so yes, I shouted, "Strike a pose!" in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle.  I had no idea the amount of 'tude I'd get from my two little hams!

This picture makes me smile.  Little Cubby rides the carousel horse, complete with her Ariel costume and tennis shoes.  I love love love four-year-olds.  

The end of day two....marked appropriately with a sleeping princess and her Dumbo elephant prize.


We had to venture out of out hotel room for dinner that night, then...

we returned to our room.  The kids donned their princess and Cars jammies, and our little family crashed out!

Well, actually after an exciting day it's tough to get everyone settled down to sleep.  Two hours tough.  Bedtime should have been at 8:00 PM.  Nope.  Try 11:00 PM.  Ouch!  Somehow it didn't really matter. We were all running on adrenaline by then.

The girls woke up bright and early on our third day at the park.  They brushed and braided their long, luxurious locks.  

J.D. and cousin Ellie hung out together in the carriage.  This is always a funny combination of toddlers.  J.D. is the strong silent type, and Ellie is the ultimate girly  girl.  She's probably wondering where "Gigi" (Little G) is at this point.  

Uncle John and Danny were the perfect seats for two antsy toddlers, eager to get into the park!

Somebody loves her daddy!

And somebody is really excited that Disneyland is opening!!!

Cubby loved wearing that long braid. Doesn't she look like a miniature Viking princess?  

We waited in line to meet three princesses, in hopes of meeting Emma's current favorite, Princess Tiana. She wasn't there, but we had the chance to meet three favorites again.  I didn't hear any complaining!

Sleeping Beauty

Snow White

Then we trekked over to Mark Twain Island on the little raft-like boat.  The twins and Ellie lined up to watch Danny ride over.

The kids, and by "kids" I do include grandpas, had a great time running, climbing and exploring all around the island.  They got tons of energy out!

So much energy  that the twins were unable to smile for the family photo afterward.  Or maybe they were just being difficult.  I am trying to be positive here.

With a herd of tired kids on our hands, it was high time for some lunch!  The boys had their table.

And Grandpa D was in excellent form, mimicking the banjo player, acting like an outlaw complete with bandanna, and yelling "yippee-tay-yay-yo!" every chance he got.  It was classic Grandpa D.  

Bean time.  Oh how they loved the baked beans.  

Ellie loved those beans.  By the end of the meal, she actually had a ring around her face from the edges of the bowl since she was trying so hard to put her face in there to get every last bit out.  Wow.

I love this photo.  It is a great photo of my dad, but I also love how J.D. is holding on tight to Grandpa's thumb.  His face is covered in sunblock, and he looks a little sleepy, but he is so happy to be with Grandpa.  After the Jungle Boat Ride, we headed on back to the hotel for some much needed rest.  See you next time as we wrap up our Walker Disneyland adventure!

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