Friday, March 5, 2010

When the 80's Got it Right

Danny and I have a thirteen year age difference. Danny graduated from high school in 1984, while I graduated in 1997. When Danny was getting his driver's license, I was toddling to my first day of pre-school.


Anyway, I always refer to the 80's as his "era" so that if there's any 80's type reference on TV or the radio, I try to have some humorous comment. Like, "Boy, I sure miss those acid wash jeans, don't you?" I mean, the 80's had some pretty crazy stuff, right?!

But I have to admit, the 80's had some pretty great music. One of my favorite songs is Don't You Want Me by the Human League. I played it tonight, and this is what happened.

G has great rhythm, just like her older sis, E. It's just a natural thing. If either girl hears a great beat, they just break out in a totally awesome dance move. They both seem to feel the music from their inner core; the beat just springs out of them like a coil.

We put music on a lot at night. It kind of serves as an alternative to TV. If the girls could have it their way, we'd watch a kids' movie every night of the week, but that's not the way Danny and I want to spend every evening.

One of my favorite childhood memories was when my dad would put on his records of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or Creedence Clearwater at night just before bedtime. Ayron and I would dance or sing or just listen along. Dad would lie on the floor and tap his chest with his hands and sing. Looking back on those moments, they seem almost magical.

I hope these times with my kids feel the same for them as they did for me. But instead of Creedence, we rock out to The Human League.

The 80's got a lot right, in my opinion.


lukehamby said...

Oh what I wouldn't give to see what Danny was doing behind the scenes! You could totally tell he was rockin' out until you panned over to him...

Ayron S. Moiola said...

You forgot to mention that Dad would also bust those records out anytime mom left! That is still so funny to me. Ok, mom's gone, let's paarty!