Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No Kitchen, No Water...No Problem

I don't have any pictures today, only because I don't want anyone to have a visual of what went on over here at my house.

First, the kitchen is completely and utterly gutted. The walls are down to the studs, the floor has been scraped down to the wood, and the electrical wires hang down from the ceiling like jellyfish. No problem! I can handle this, I just set up my little outdoor kitchen, move the little kitchen table to our family room, and life goes on.

Apparently we were just hanging on by a mere thread. Any little glitch, this time in the form of a sewer line blockage, was just enough to turn our little working formula into (quite literally) a huge mess.

We have no water until hopefully tomorrow morning. Danny pointed out that without a kitchen, laundry, or running water, it really is like living in a rustic cabin, minus the rustic charm and vacation feeling.

Hey, we're not going to complain, we're going to look on the upside. Because of the lack of water, we got to go out to dinner with my sister, her husband and my dad. Plus, the kids took baths at Grandma's house, which is a huge bonus for them and me, since she does all the work (thanks mom!). The girls love the idea of going potty outside; it makes this whole "camping" experience all the more authentic. And the plumbers are coming in the morning.

So yippee!

And I am smiling as I say that.

I swear!

1 comment:

lukehamby said...

Outside potty! That's one of my favorite things!