Friday, May 28, 2010


Babies love cake.  It's a universal fact, and my twins are absolutely no exception.

For my birthday last week, one of the things I demanded for my special day was a Coffeehouse Crunch Ice Cream Cake from Coldstone Creamery. That cake is so delicious, it's as if the taste gives me a glimpse into heaven.  It's that good.

So my sweet, adorable husband purchased the beautiful chocolatey wonder, and I ate as much as I could in 48 hours.  I have to admit that I did indeed utter the words, "Danny, will you think less of me if I eat cake for breakfast?"  He did not, so I enjoyed that cake for my morning meal, and it was fantastic.  You see, the Monday after my lame birthday bash was the first day of my new diet.  A new diet that included a 7 day challenge of NO SUGARY SWEETS.  So I had to enjoy while I had time!

Anyway, some cake was left over from my birthday binge.  Here is what happens at my house when cake is leftover:

An adult has to plan a covert operation of sorts to slice the piece of cake and devour it before any children see even a crumb of chocolate evidence on the counter top.  That's just the way it is at my house. 

If these aforementioned children see the crumb, they will tackle, bite, and claw their way into that adult's lap, and moan, beg, and say "bite, bite bite?" until the adult is basically killed by their cuteness, and give in to sharing the cake.  I have tried to resist, but  it's nearly impossible, they usually end up getting at least half of my piece of cake every time.  And I shouldn't be complaining....if you know what I mean.

So there have been two pieces of lonely birthday cake sitting in the freezer for a few days, and Danny noticed them one afternoon after lunch.  He decided to go for it.  And this is what happened. 

What did I tell you?  Even the strongest man is no match for their charms!  At this point, Danny is thinking, "Ok, I'll give you two a couple of bites, but that's it! I'm going to enjoy the rest of this cake."

Yeah right.  J.D. puts his whole body into the cake bite.  It's very serious business.

Check out the look of defeat on Danny's face.  He has surrendered to their charms.  After these last few bites went to the babies, he walked right back to the freezer and got himself another piece.  That's just one more reason I love this man, he ain't no quitter, that's for sure....especially when it comes to cake!

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