Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Morning with the Twins

I have my share of tough, hair-pulling, frustrating moments as a mom of eighteen month old twins, a fiesty preschooler, and a dreamy kindergartener, but very rapidly, the tough times are becoming overshadowed by the totally hilarious, adorable, sweet moments.

Take for instance, this morning. Here's the first thing I saw when I walked into the twins' room at 7:00 AM. They'd been awake since 6:30 AM, but I had let them chit chat until now, so I could get my snuggle time with the big girls. A cute scene, right? Ok, you have no idea what it smelled like in open sewer comes to mind.

J.D. gets it, he's pretty disgusted with himself.

Yup, G really is this cute first thing in the morning...just exactly like her's my cross to bear.

Enough of this, I need a diaper change!

Big sis is always there for a little moral support.

Meanwhile, J.D. waits patiently, then reaches pleadingly for.....a hairbrush. Needless to say, I would do terrible things to get that kind of volume in my hair.

After eating breakfast, dressing the big girls, and dropping off at school, it's time for the babies to go outside and play. G and J.D. were eager to get out there, but they are never rude or demanding.

This looks like a mini-tantrum, but it's actually a baby's way of saying, "Please dear mother, would you mind opening the door so that I may play outside?"

Later on, the twins were much happier outside working on very important, pressing matters...

pushing around an empty stroller with grim determination,

pushing around a yellow dump truck with similar grim determination.

The battle of the babies. J.D. is like, what am I doing with a pink stroller, and what is she doing with my dump truck?

This is more like it.

Backwards tractor driving, it's a highly developed skill mastered by only the smartest babies.

Hi, I'm cute.

And dirty.

Finally, after lots of playtime, it's time to go in and make lunch. So I said, "It's lunchtime, let's go inside!"

G responded immediately and took her place right by the door. Lunch is an important part of her day.


Don't worry I found him. He and Button were hiding out by the side gate. They're quickly becoming partners in crime. So I actually said outloud, "I've got my eye on you two." It was kinda like a face-off scene from an old western, only nobody understood a word I was saying. Maybe it's better off that way.

1 comment:

Mrs. Kenagy said...

Your lighting on those pictures is fantastic!
Love to read this :) keep it up!