Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurrah! First Day of Pre-School!

My family is a big fan of pre-school for three year olds.  Emma and Cubby were lucky enough to spend their first years of pre-school with the beloved Mrs. Green, who unfortunately (for us) retired the year before the twins were to go into pre-school.  Since the twins turned three this last June, they are now ready for a couple of mornings per week at pre-school.  We decided to send J.D. and Gigi to the outstanding pre-school affiliated with our church.  They have a wonderful, loving, educated, highly trained group of teachers and other staff.  This pre-school also teaches at Christian curriculum which is important, think: prayers before snack, Bible songs at playtime, wonderful basics that a pre-schooler can totally grasp.  

The twins' first day of pre-school was this last Wednesday.  I've been a little behind in my blogging, so sorry!  We've had a busy, busy week with getting accustomed to the new homeschooling schedule.    

All four kiddos were really excited that day!  

Believe it or not, Gigi's dress is the exact same dress that Emma wore on her first day of pre-school four years ago!  I love that!

Lots of love between these two.

J.D. is sooo proud of his new metal John Deere tractor lunch box.  I think carrying that around was his favorite part of pre-school.

Gigi loves her girly girl box just as well!

Uh-oh, mad face.



The minute we showed up at the pre-school Gigi let out a blood curdling scream of pure joy.  She was thrilled.  J.D. was silent.

We joined the rest of the kids and teachers on the playground and Gigi ran off immediately and started climbing around on the play structure, sliding down the slide, and so on.  

J.D. slowly made his way over to the sand pile and tentatively began scooping the sand, looking around for the owner to come and claim his toys.  J.D. was unsure about the whole experience. He just made his way around the playground and observed the different play going on, all the while keeping a close eye on me.  

To comfort cousin Ellie, who was a bit distressed when her mommy left, Gigi asked her to give her a push on the swing.  This was just enough distraction to help Ellie forget about Mommy and focus on Gigi.  It worked!

Cubby led Ellie around a bit.  The cousins really love eachother.  I think our two weeks in San Diego this summer really helped everyone to get along quite a bit better and learn to work things out. 

Gigi spotted a trike and started making circles around the playground.  

See ya!

It was just before this point that I decided to say my goodbyes and depart to let them have their full pre-school morning experience.   However, J.D. was not really too excited about that prospect.  The poor little guy started clinging to my leg and whimpering softly.  That's when I spotted this two seater trike, so I put Gigi on the front, and J.D. straddled the back, and the two of them took rides around the playground, as happy as can be.  As you can see, it was a little tough for Gigi to peddle that bike with so much weight on it, so one of the teachers had to push them along from behind.  Classic.

After a bit, it was cousin Ellie's turn, and then I really had to leave.  

Three hours later....I picked up the twins, and here was the scene in the parking lot......

"I love pre-school!  And, I'm exhausted!"

Time for a nap.....

Their first day of pre-school was a wonderful success, although they were truly so tired at the end of that first day.  The next day they went back and enjoyed painting and playing, and snack time.  J.D. is already a happier guy.  And mommy is thrilled about this new pre-school venture for our two precious twins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! So glad they loved it! I have to say I love the picture of little Ellie pushing Gigi on the swing!