Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Grandpa's Birthday Cake

We celebrated my dad's birthday this last weekend at my house.  It was a small, family party.  We enjoyed delicious Italian food (Grasso's takeout!), my mom's homemade oatmeal cake, and ice cream sundaes.  Needless to say, it was not a Clean eating day for me.  

Cake and ice cream time is always a tense time for my kids.  They feel a huge amount of ownership over dessert.  They crowd the area, make low whining noises, and demand my full attention....which sadly, hardly ever happens.  

This time, J.D., who is a big fan of Grandpa David's, felt a connection with that oatmeal cake.

Grandma D brought out the cake, showed J.D. the blazing candles, and began the "Happy Birthday" march to the big cheese, I mean, birthday boy.

I wish I knew exactly what was going through my dad's mind at this very moment.  
"Are all those candles really necessary?" or "Why is my age there for all to see?"  or "I wanted Texas Sheet Cake!"

Now for the cake blow.....

But the minute the smoke drifted his way, J.D. realized he'd missed his big moment.

And he wasn't happy...

 all.  There were  tears.  And screaming.  And a time out.  To attempt to pacify her irate grandson, my mom recreated the cake blow by re-lighting the candles.   J.D. saw right though it.  It was the party's low point.

And here was the high point!  Dad with the ladeeez!  Or, my mom's sisters.  Kinda wierd.

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