Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I don't know why I buy toys.  Actually, I don't really buy toys, but I don't know why the kids crave them so much.  A good old piece of cardboard provides as much, if not more, entertainment than any old plastic, blinking, noisy thing.

While in Julian for Memorial Day, Grandpa D surprised the kids with a most maginificent toy.....a brand new piece of cardboard!  When he unloaded it from the shed and the girls first saw it,  you would have thought he'd captured the moon.  They went nuts!! 

At my parents' cabin, the backyard hosts a small hill.  It's actually more like a slope of grass.  But, the kids, accustomed to the flat backyards of where we live, are blown away by this MOUNTAIN in Grandma's yard! 

E and Cubby immediately grabbed the piece of cardboard and started sledding down the hill on top of it.  Danny tried all kinds of different configurations on the cardboard to find the perfect ride.  Finally he settled on pulling it with a rope, and the kids had a blast. 

Then our friend Natalie came over, and she and her little sis jumped on for a few rides.  They took ride after ride down the big hill, thanks to Natalie's dad, Farmer K, hauling them down time and time again. 

The girls hauled the flattened box up the hill.

Then they smiled for their camera happy moms.

And down they go!!!!!


The aftermath...

The real aftermath included a solid four hour nap by little E. 

Sometimes little sisters terrorize their older sisters during naptime.  It's a fact of life. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with family, friends, pie, ice cream and cardboard.  God Bless America!

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